Standards managed by Samtrafiken
With Samtrafiken's active involvement in the development of industry standards, the opportunities for collaboration between market players are enhanced. We manage the national BoB standard (standard for Ticket Distribution and Ticket Validation). Samtrafiken were also among the first to implement the open and international standard for booked train tickets, OSDM-Online (Open Sales and Distribution Model). Additionally, we actively work with various standards for traffic data. We provide advice and support to transport companies through our unique expertise in the field of industry standards for public transport.
Common industry standards advance public transportation
The digital development in public transportation presents new opportunities to improve and simplify the experience for passengers. However, this requires better communication between different systems within the industry. A key condition for facilitating this communication is that the industry adopts common data standards.
Using standards is also a way to keep costs down.
It is, however, challenging and cost-intensive for transit companies to keep up with the development of all standards while ensuring they are used correctly. Therefore, Samtrafiken monitors the development of standards on behalf of the transit companies. We do this both on a national and international level, in the areas of data and ticketing for public transport.
We provide advice and drive the development of standards
It is challenging and cost-intensive for transport operators to keep up with the development of all standards while ensuring they are used correctly. Therefore, Samtrafiken monitors the development of standards on behalf of our owners and partners. We do this at both a national and international level, within the areas of public transport data and public transport tickets.
By maintaining a high level of expertise regarding public transport standards, Samtrafiken can support industry actors with advice and assistance during, for example, procurements or the development of new technology that needs to adhere to existing standards.
We participate in international working groups on current standards, allowing us to influence and drive development while safeguarding the interests of our owners and partners in the field.
The expertise we continuously build is also utilized in Samtrafiken's other services, such as the National Distribution Service, Data Management, and Trafiklab. Additionally, Samtrafiken assists owners and partners in complying with the open data formats required by EU-regulated standards.
Samtrafiken in international collaboration
Samtrafiken actively participates in international collaborations focused on developing standards for traffic and ticket data. Currently, this work is being carried out in the following forums:
- CEN/CENELEC – The EU standardization body working on the development of the Transmodel data model for traffic-related data.
- Data4PT – A project promoting the implementation of common standards for public transport within the EU.
- CoRoM – An EU project recommending standards for the sale of multimodal travel (i.e., everything from long-distance trains to electric bike rentals).
- ODIN – A collaboration among Nordic countries, including work on a Nordic NeTEx profile.
- e-TSAP – A European cooperation for exchanging experiences related to e-Ticketing.
- UIC/OSDM – A collaboration for developing booking and ticketing standards for long-distance trains both nationally and internationally.
The following standards are monitored by Samtrafiken
Here is a list of the standards that are monitored and used by Samtrafiken.
BoB standard (standard for Ticket Distribution and Ticket Validation)
Standard for managing information about products and prices, as well as for handling ticket distribution and ticket validation. The standard is primarily aimed at regional transport, meaning public transportation without booking and seat reservations. It has been developed jointly by several partners in the industry and is managed by Samtrafiken on behalf of our owners.
Read more about BoB here.
OSDM-Online (Open Sales and Distribution Model)
Standard developed by UIC, an international association for railway operators. It primarily focuses on the management of journeys that require advance booking, pricing, and ticket sales for, primarily, long-distance train traffic. Samtrafiken is one of the first organizations to implement this standard.
Learn more about OSDM here.
NeTEx (Network Timetable Exchange)
EU standard for static public transport data. Industry stakeholders within the EU are required to publish static transport data in this format.
Read more about NeTEx here.
SIRI (Service Interface for Real Time Information)
EU standard for real-time data, for example data for disruptions and vehicle positions. SIRI uses the same data model (Transmodel) as NeTEx.
Read more about SIRI here.
GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification)
Industry standard for scheduled public transport and real-time traffic data. Also handles fare information within 'GTFS-Fares.' This standard is primarily used by Google and Apple to present public transport data.
Read more about GTFS here.
Noptis (Nordic Public Transport Interface Standard)
Standard owned and managed by Movia, Skånetrafiken, Storstockholms Lokaltrafik, and Västtrafik. It handles scheduled traffic, disruption notifications, and real-time information. It is used by large parts of Swedish public transport.
Read more about NOPTIS here.
TAF/TAP TSI (Telematics)
A standard developed for the European rail industry for managing train-related data. It is also a CEN/ISO standard regulated for use by train operators within the EU.
Learn more about TAF/TAP TSI here.
Standards throughout the customer journey
Different standards play different roles throughout the various stages of the customer journey, as illustrated in the picture below.